


I have been searching and looking on the internet to see how much percentage of people in the world are obese, the results were very shocking.

The results I am about to show are based on male obesity.
On number one, with 70.29%, American Samoa. 
42.7% of people in the world are obese and 31.2% are overweight. This means that 73.9% of people world wide are ''unhealthy''. And a scary prediction by…


A new study in the Netherlands has just research the amount of hours people sit on average per day.
With an average of no less than 8.9 sitting hours per day in 2022, the Dutch will be European sitting champions, research agency TNO writes in a report. Sitting mainly occurs at work (an average of 4.5 hours per day), but also during their free time (3.4 hours) and when driving (1 hour).

Artificial intelligence

We have all heard about it, artificial intelligence, but how does AI reflect to Healthschool?

First off, what is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is when computers can do smart things, like thinking and learning, similar to how people do. It's all about teaching computers to understand things, make decisions, and solve problems on their own. AI is used in lots of different areas like healthcare, finance, and entertainment. For example, AI helps…